NOW and COMP Waiver - Information and Links on how and where to apply.
Cam and Madi's Promise - If you need help with GA waivers, C.A.M.P. can help!
Together We Care - Non-profit that offers a variety of specialized resources that help to empower those with disabilities to achieve their social, physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual goals
State of GA Developmental Disabilities Services and Resources - Information on waivers and other resources offered by the state of GA.
Guide for self-directing NOW & COMP waiver services - lots of information here, including activity codes (e.g. CAI, CLH, CLD)
Support Group Mailing List - Subscribe and stay up-to-date on resources, events, opportunities, and more!
YourRespite Facebook page - This is the place to get involved in the special needs community - for support group, events, fun, and information. When you get to the page, "Like" it to subscribe and become part of our community!
Advocacy and Resource Groups and Programs - An extensive list of resources for the special needs community.
The SuperMom Resource Book - A great list of local organizations and businesses to serve the special needs community.
FOCUS - Families of Children Under Stress. This is a great organization.
The Social Security and Disability Resource Center (SSDRC) - maintained by a former social security claims examiner. Help with claims process.
We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
Act Together Ministries serves children in distress throughout the Metro Atlanta area.
Restore Place provides parents of children with special needs or life-threatening illnesses a place of respite where they will be refreshed, restored and renewed in their role as caregiver.
Home Safety for People with Disabilities - home modifications that make life easier and safer for individuals with physical disabilities
All About Accessibility Remodeling and Retrofits - Helpful guide for tips on remodeling your home with accessibility in mind.
Information on Disability Loans for adults and Saving money for people with disabilities (from
Best Schools for children with learning disabilities - Sending your child to college? Check out this guide.
Online Learning for Children with Disabilities - Have a child who is soon to enroll in college? Check out this guide.
Payments and Donations
Consider donating funds to help provide respite services through Special Needs Respite.
Special Needs Respite, a 501c(3) non-profit, was created to help families pay for respite care that they otherwise could not afford. Although programs exist in Georgia to assist, these programs have limited funds and very long wait lists. Giving to Special Needs Respite will help these families take a break without breaking the bank.
Make a payment to YourRespite using PayPal
You need to have a PayPal account in order to do this. If you don't have one, you can easily create one by going to (link will open in a new window)